
For a while now, I have been following a wonderfully talented photographer, and I know soon to be friend, Gina Zeidler.  She is a huuge part of an amazing group called Making things happen, which pushes all creative minds to get fired up about what they do and get on a powerful path to helping to make big things happen in life and business.  Today I am piggy-backing on a post Gina did on their blog about choosing joy.  The 5 things that  get me to smile and produce JOY are :

1:  Flowers and warm spring air.  Last night Kevin and I sat out on our patio after the kids had gone to bed and marveled in the spring time air, the moon and the fragrances.  Chatting and just relaxing without the distractions of any media also aided in my Joy!

2: The purple plastic pool.  Every summer we pull out a $10 purchase I made when Lydia was 6 months old and just old enough to splash in the water.  7 years later, we still have that pool and the kids still play in it.  The joyful memories I have from that pool bring a smile to my face.  It is still bringing me joy because now all 3 kids are trying to fit in it at the same time!

3: Morning Coffee.  The small joys, but just sitting at the table with a cup in the morning eating cheerios with my family reminds me how blessed I am.

4: Folding Laundry.  I know this is super crazy, but usually I am able to do it alone and think and pray.  Because it is a relatively mindless process (and because we have piles upon piles!) my mind is usually clear and it is in a way therapeutic.

5: Body Pump.  A class at my gym that I have been doing for over 4 years.  I am never excited to get there, but the feeling of strength and energy that comes after the class is finished is refreshing!

Now you.  Can you continue this?  As Gina asked in her post….What brings you joy today?  Happy Friday!



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