Reflections:: Back to school

So here it is.  The month we as mommas wait for, the month of September that we send our kids back to school. The first week there are new schedules, new routines, backpacks, and clothes. There is a joy and a gift in starting over in these new routines, but there is also a sadness in that summer is over and routines, are just that… routines.

There is a beauty in starting school.  I do actually like that we bring routine back to our schedules, and that there is a newness about the season that is changing. I love that my kids get to be with friends again and all the great activities that they are involved in start up again.  There is also the joy that the are being challenged mentally again and thinking through how to organize their day.

But there is the hardship and sadness that is felt in this second week of school. We have already felt it in the getting to bed earlier and waking up earlier.  In getting homework done and making sure lunches are made before bounding out the door to the fall activities.  There is the stopping in the middle of the day for me to pick up kids from school and momentum being lost.  There is the fact that we aren’t seeing each other as much and being tired and all the emotions that come along with that.  There is also that thought that winter is closer than these warm days of summer, and if I’m really being honest, I am not excited for that at all!

So in as much as I love the start and routine of school, there are a few things that I don’t love about it.  What about you?  In this second week of school and new routines, how are you feeling about it?  In love, or not so much, or just mixed emotions like me??

Photo by Gina Ziedler


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