Chicago. We took a quick trip to go see some of our good friends in Chicago. As fast as it was it is always a blessing to see them. Added bonus… we got to meet their newest little one.
The lake. Yes I’ve been making it a point to get to the lake as much as I can this summer. It is literally 8 minutes from our house and provides warmth and a feeling like I’m at a cabin for a few hours!
Brainerd Lakes area! Our family took a day trip up north to head out on the trails for a 30 mile bike ride! It’s amazing how My kids were able to do this so well… a few stops including ice cream and pizza helped
Wisconsin! Over the 4th we saw family and friends and relaxed for a few days! Such a gift!
Camp. For a week this summer I headed up north with 2 of my kids and my niece and nephew to be a counselor for the week! It was so much fun and brought me so much joy to be able to pour into these middle schoolers!
I have been trying really hard to really utilize my summer and prioritize my family this year! Taking on less weddings and spending this time with them has proved to be so wonderful. I know these are valuable years and I’m so very thankful for them and the job I have that allows me to be with them. It’s certainly a gift