A new use for Floss

My girls woke me up yesterday dressed in pink and hearts, all ready to celebrate Valentine’s day.  Little do they know, we have about 2 weeks and Elise’s birthday to go until that special day arrives!  Never the less they really wanted to make Valentine crafts, and last night I just so happened on a new blog and found this great craft that she had done.  To see her site and beautiful art see HERE. So all that to say, this is not my idea, but one that we were able to use and decorate our house with this morning!

It is a super easy craft.  (My 2 year old boy, was not in the slightest way interested though!)

To start off you will need floss, a sewing needle and a stack of old magazines or catalogs.

Have the child sew the floss though the hearts ( I cut them all out).

From there, tie a knot at the top and presto, you are finished with a super fun and easy craft!  Happy Friday!


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