Ryan & Kelly: Bar Lurcat wedding

It never intended to happen (well it really never does!)   Ryan was in his hum-drum of every day life at the office, when by chance he met Kelly.  She was kind-hearted and had many of the same interests as he did.  After a couple of months of passing -by chance- at the office, the two decided to go out for drinks and ended up talking for 4-5 hours.  A few days later Ryan called Kelly for their official first date.  

Not too long after that, the couple planned a trip up to northern Minnesota to view the changing fall leaves.  A year later they decided to go on that same trip and on the first night Ryan went out for “groceries” and decorated the bonfire pit at the resort, got a fire going and tried to calm his nerves while Kelly was unpacking in their room not knowing what was going to happen next!  When Ryan came back, he escorted her down to the pit and proposed!

Their September wedding was absolutely perfect.  As I mentioned yesterday, they were wonderful to be with and I felt like they were some of my old friends!  Kelly and Ryan, I wish you both so much joy and happiness!




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