“Where-ever you are, be all there.” -Jim Elliot
Happy Thursday to you! My week has just been one of those weeks. Ever have one where you feel like you are just running from one thing to the next? Checking off the to-do list just to get to the next do do list? (Did I ever tell you how much I love to do lists?! I have about 3 per day and get great joy of checking each task off as it is completed)! But this week, agh, it has just been one thing after the other which has caused me grief in even getting to check off a few things on the list. Be it spring fever, a lack of motivation, numerous distractions, whatever it is, my mind has been racing to nowhere and getting little to nothing done in the process.
Last night I sat thinking about the WHY my week has been like this, and after focusing for more than 10 undistracted minutes, I came to an answer, maybe obvious to some, but to me a slap on the forehead that I consistently need; a reason slow down. Not focusing on anything, gets you little-to-nowhere. Focusing on one thing, gets it done, out of the way in order to move on to the next task at hand. Extremely simple, easy to understand, but in our crazy, fast-paced, social-media frenzied culture, easy to forget! My week has been in a constant state of not finishing one thing, and moving on to the next.
Not really a mind-blowing, earth-shattering thought, but something my heart needed today. I hope your day is filled with being all there, where-ever it may be.