“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.”

- Maya Angelou

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Category Archives: Family

Sudame Family:: Chaska one-year old session

When Vineet and Jackie were married and moved off to the east coast, I never thought we would be hanging out with their…

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Lifestyle Newborn Session:: Cree Family

Coming to someone's home, as I talked about HERE, and doing an in home lifestyle session is so wonderful. I was able to…

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Ulstad Family:: Mill City Family Session

I had the chance to meet Marissa and her sweet crew last summer.  At that point her youngest wasn't even sitting up,…

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Bently’s Six month session:: Mill City Family session

Oh how I love Mill City and also seeing past wedding clients!  Gina and Steve were married a few years ago and (best…

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Baby M Family:: Roseville Newborn

Emily and Derrick's maternity session was full of snow and sleet, but their newborn session was much different! As they…

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Laeno Family:: Mill City Museum Family Session

Oh how I love seeing Dawn and her sweet boys.  We met at Mill City on one of the craziest days! In the last few years,…

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April Newsletter: 4.2

Happy Spring to you!  I can not wait for those warm days to arrive again!  Here's what's happening this month.  I'd…

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May Mini Session!

Have you heard? I am offering a variety of mini sessions throughout the year and May is the first of seven mini session…

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Meet Karen

Lover of pastels, Fika coffee, red wine, golden hour, happy hour, and crazy-in-love happy couples and families.

based in

Minneapolis, MN

available for worldwide travel.

