Friday Fun: Out takes

So we all have them, even photographers.  I just get to show you my good stuff, but here are some of the things that I deal with on a regular shoot.

1) Screaming babies.  Yes, they all do it, and they are so darn cute.  So mommies, if I am ever photographing your newest addition, don’t feel bad.  It pretty much happens at every newborn session and I do like to take their photo…even if it is for your blackmailing purposes when they are 15!

2) Non-cooperative pets or kids.  In the past few years of having my own kids, I have learned that dogs are much like them.  All you need is some kind of distraction, and you have their attention again…. even if it takes photographing their stuffed monkey.

3) Props not working the way you intended.  On a few engagement shoots I thought it would be fun to incorporate some balloons…. um probably not the best idea when the wind was 20!! miles an hour.  I should have thought about that before the shoot, oh well!

4) Fish eye mistakes.  Yes these are my children and I take full responsibility in photographing them this way.  We were having such a great time with this lens.  I think I laughed until I cried.  But in all seriousness, I would never recommend photographing someone this close, unless you are wanting them to look like they just came from the circus.

5) Clients… You will get a work out if you choose me to be your photographer.  The top shot was the goal I was wanting to achieve, but it took about 3-4 tries of Wade jumping in the air to get the desired look.

6) The bolting kid.  Yes, I do get a work out as well.  Here is the series of a 2 year old.  Here one minute, gone the next.


7) The “I’m all done” phrase.  As the photographer, I’ve gotta be fast, especially when this phrase comes out, or a baby will be falling! (i think his parents had this phrase memorized because they were ready to catch the baby before he fell!  I love it!)

8)  Exhausted baby.  Here is where we stop the shoot and bring out the puffs, or bottle, or call it a day!

After all the screaming, crying, laughing, running and walking, it is all worth it to get the desired photo for the client.  I love what I do, and have a great time doing it!

Have a great weekend!


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