Do you have your people?
You know, the ones that really, really know you? I hope you do. Because they are the people that are there for you, know you at your best, and worst, help you along when you are limping and celebrate joys as you are winning.
Friends. They are the best people and the ones that you need to carry you through life.
I was blessed to go to a small liberal arts college. It was a school that as an 18 year old, I wasn’t particularly thrilled to be going to. But my dad was a professor at the school and because of that, I received a pretty hefty discount and so my parents told me that if I attended for just one year to save on debt, they would help me look for an art school my sophomore year. I went in thinking that was just what I was going to do, but by the end of my Freshman year, there was no way I was going to leave. I went in not knowing anyone and came away 4 years later with the best friends I could have in life.
not long after we graduated, my incredible planner friend, Angie, started putting together girls weekends and throughout the years, it has stuck. Every year a different location is planned and each girl tries to make it. There are just a few rules… No kids and lots of relaxing! It has evolved through the years as we have grown and changed, and I am sure as we age it will continue to change. We have traveled to places in Iowa, MN, and Wisconsin; and each big year a big birthday celebration happens. (Stay tuned this November as we take flight to celebrate a big birthday for all of us…)
This weekend we hit up Crosslake, MN and spent the weekend at Ivy Lane Lake House. Be sure to check them out if you are looking for rental cabin! We ate, walked, rested and re-connected! It was incredible.
I just love these women and their hearts. It is hard to imagine my college life being anywhere else as it has shaped me into the person I am today, and what an incredible gift that is!
All photos taken and shared to me by Angie Lundeen