I have been going through numerous photos this past week trying desperately to update my web-site(yes there is a new one coming, eventually and yes, I have been saying that since July when I bought the template!) But, I am sure you can understand with kids and the house and ministry and orders and weddings and shoots and everything else imaginable; cleaning out the garage, raking up leaves, music classes, the list goes on and on, so I will stop…It just has not gotten completed. SO… this month I have already gone through all my photos and have it almost complete. Going through all those photos brought back so many memories and times in life. I am so grateful to have had met all the wonderful people throughout the years and have improved in my craft along the way. Here are a few that caught my eye out of the archives. I can’t wait to add more this next year. Maybe you’ll be in one of them!
Happy Saturday!