There are so many different things we race around for in life. Ways that the social media world tells us that we have to be somebody big and exciting and amazing. We have to get more hearts, dot our i’s and cross our t’s, keep the streak going. We have to be put together, up with all the trends and be invested in all the camps, sports and activities for our kids.
We try so desperately to keep searching for the “more” and quite honestly; its exhausting!
But what if in reality that “more” we are so desperately grasping for is right in front of our faces disappearing as we search?
The little people we are investing into, the husband or wife that wants to be known, or the friend who needs a listening ear; the things that will last. Be permininant.
These are the things that need to be preserved. The years and the memories of a life well spent together. This is the “more” we need to find together and push one another toward. Who’s with me?