So I have been so extremely busy to post photos from the BIG night, and reluctant, because my 20’s are gone and now…
I hit the Big 3-0 Nov. 7th.
Luckily for me, one of my roommates and wonderful friends from college is a week before me Nov 1st, so we could bring in the big event together. We decided to throw ourselves our own birthday party and do exactly what we wanted- a girls-only slumber party. You know the kind, where you stay up way too late talking and chowing down chips and salsa? It was perfect! We also wanted our very best girlfriends there from college, and fortunately many of them were able to come. ( We did definitely miss those who couldn’t make it that night!)
Jana arranged almost the entire night, and she put Martha Stewart to shame. I have to say, I was so impressed with her skills. Most of all the cake, that she MADE into a 3 and 0 and let me tell you it was delish!
We had a wonderful evening, and I am so amazed at how fast time goes by. I am blessed to have such amazing friends whom I love dearly. Thank you for making it perfect!
I can only hope that my next 30 years are even more memorable.