Peters Extended Family

When you sleep on a nursing home floor in the middle or New York City together, you grow tight bonds with people!  Kirstjen, Josh, my husband Kevin and I all went to college together.  We thought we knew each other well, but it wasn’t until we all flew out to NYC to Kirstjen’s sister Shannon’s wedding that we got to know each other even better!!  While driving home from the wedding with her parents, a huge storm blew in causing a power line to go down at the home we were staying in.  Police had deemed the road impassable and the home dangerous because of the live power lines.  A relative of Keith’s worked at the nursing home, so she hooked us up with a place to wait out the storm and hopefully get into the home we were staying in within a few hours.  A few hours turned into a very long, hilarious and memorable night.  One that I will never forget and one that makes it so much fun to see the Peters family!

Here are just a few from the session that we laughed through; I can’t wait for our next one!!


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