Playing for a living

Do you really love your job?  Does it excite you?  Make you passionate, inspire you?  Do you hit the alarm clock ready to do what you love?

Know that this is not an everyday occurrence to me, but I am glad I don’t hate my job.  To be perfectly honest, I am not a morning person, but I get to play with kids, interact with couples, be inspired, cry and laugh.  These are all in my job description, and I absolutely love what I do.

Before the eara of my own kids and as I was trying to establish my photo business I taught pre-scool part time.  I was an art major and had very little experience teaching, but I loved kids and  interacting with them.   I was brought into their world for a few hours a day and tried to see through their eyes.  I look back on that time with fond memories of 3, 4 and 5 year olds, because they taught me so many things.  Little did I know the following year I would become a mother and that 8 years down the line I would be photographing and playing with different tots on a weekly basis!

Special thanks to my friend Angie as she grabbed my camera and shot some photos of me playing with her 4 year old, Nora!



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