Don & Sara: Hastings wedding

Don is a farmer, Sara is a foodie.

Sara is a good cook, Don is not.

Don likes to get up early, Sara would rather sleep in

Sara loves cats, Don is not particularly good with animals.

Yet, their relationship works, beautifully!  They are both Civil Engineers and their story began at Minneapolis City Hall.  The two met while writing up a grant together in 2001 to fund a bike path on the U of M campus, Sara while interning and Don while working.  After graduating, Sara decided to move to Seattle and spent nearly eight years there, not imagining that moving back to the Cities she would come face to face with the man she spent time with writing a grant!  She got a job as an engineer at the U of M in Minneapolis.  A colleague tried numerous times to try to set her and Don up, but was a little too subtle in his hints and he was unsuccessful.

The job at the the U of M did not end up working and unfortunately she was was let go .  Five minutes after the call, in shock, Don called by coincidence.  She explained what had happened and Don was ready to help.

Don and Sara started meeting weekly to discuss job hunting and networking in the Cities; he wanted to help her out and felt bad for her because she had not been in the Cities very long.  The meeting soon turned in longer talks, then dates, then to a wonderful friendship and relationship.  Not soon after they began meeting, Sara did start a job and Don was on one knee asking for her hand.

The foggy, winter day was just beautiful.  It was such a joy to get to know both Sara and Don.  They are completely real, and so fun to be with.  Congrats to you both!

And here is your slide show!


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