Goal Setting:: 2018 Business Goals

As you read the above header, you land in one of the two camps::

“YAY, I LOVE goal setting, when can we get started and can I bring all my colored markers, and stickers, ideas, and planners to the table”


“Please come find me when you are finished.”

I used to run with the latter camp… like up until 2 years ago.  Really, I am serious. I made all kids of excuses (my kids are too young, I am too old, I’ll never accomplish these goals, my numbers will never be where I want them to be so why even try, can I really do what I am hoping to accomplish, is it realistic enough, but my husband is a pastor, I’m too busy, I don’t have enough time, I am always tired, my kids require too much of me, etc., etc. etc.)

I have always loved checklists, and could get through my day by crossing daily tasks off, but I never really took the time to look at the big picture of my business or even my life.  I was just getting by.

It is scary for me to even admit this to the internet, but last year was the first year in my business that I put numbers to paper and set real life goals.  To be fair, I was an art major and had no business background in college. I got married right after graduation and we started our family not long after that.  There wasn’t a whole lot of time to take any business classes or goal setting courses, so everything I have learned on the business side of things has been because I walked through them on my own, or learned by failure.

In January of 2017, I put numbers to paper, set my goals for 2017 and watched as they were accomplished! Then in October I discovered Power Sheets, and my goal setting life has been dramatically changing! (Thank you Lara Casey and the Cultivate Team)

Now I run with the first camp, one that I never thought I would be in.  I am now a huge believer in setting intentional, life-giving goals because I have seen things happen last year that I want to see happen at an even deeper level this year.  Instead of making the goals an annual thing, I love that my Power Sheets give me the option to reevaluate my goals quarterly to see if they are realistic and form to my life! Already since I have started, I have decided to change what some of them are because I don’t feel right about going in a certain direction!

So Internet, here are my quarter one business goals for 2018:

  • Create systems for the business from start to finish for both my wedding and portrait clients.
  • Be able outsource all my social media in my busy season and get it to where I want it in the slow season.
  • Create content for the blog and social media for the entire year
  • Put all 2018 numbers to paper and get the calendar set with sessions, weddings, events and mini sessions
  • Change pricing structure and create pricing information to go along with it

YIKES, it is SO scary to write those mainly because I am not sure I can even accomplish them.  But Internet, please hold me to them, and I would love to know your 2018 goals!  Will you share them with me?  I’d love to help hold you accountable to them!! (And if you are interested, I would HIGHLY recommend the Power Sheets for the year!)


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