Happy Birthday

Eight years ago, I woke up in our Minneapolis condo with sharp pains.  What was going on?  I got up walked around, and headed to the bathroom.  To spare you of any more gross info, I realized I was in labor.  Being that I was exactly one month early, we were not ready at all.  The car seat was in storage, it was 4 am, and my husband was tired and we were going to be celebrating his birthday later that afternoon.  But here we were… about to have a baby.  A series of emotions flooded me.  I was not ready, but I was.  I was nervous, excited and terrified all at the same time.  Being that she was our first, we had NO expectations or idea of how anything would go.  So I packed up a quick bag and we headed to the hospital.  12 hours later, and a round of petocian, Lydia Rose was born, a whopping 4 pounds 7 oz and immediately taken to the NICU for the next 12 hours because of her weight.  Eventually she did come to our room and we were given the green light to go home.  A month of being a terrible nurser, having a severe case of jaundice, numerous trips to the doctor’s office, she started quickly gaining weight and personality!

What a joy these last 8 years have been.  I can’t imagine my life without my amazing helper.  As a first born myself, we are a lot alike, yet there are so many things I feel like she has taught me.

Every year, we get the great joy of celebrating Kevin and Lydia’s birthday’s together.  You can imagine who usually gets more attention, but my patient, loving, humble husband always praises her as the best birthday present he has ever received and it is a special bond that the two of them have.  I feel like I am the one who has been given an amazing gift, for both of these two November 1st birthdays are an incredibe blessing to me!


Photo credit: Amy Majors


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