How to put a styled shoot together:: Part one, collaborating with other vendors

Tattersall Distillery weddingThis past year one of my goals was to put together a styled shoot. So far I have already done two another one is in the works for the fall. By doing so, I was able to connect with other vendors in the industry and collaborate with them on some new and inspiring ideas that we all had.   Today and tomorrow I will be sharing some tips on ways to put together your own style shoot.

  1. Connectction.  Finding other vendors that you want to work with is where this shoot begins. It can be coming early to a wedding to meet a florist or a planner or it could be reaching out over email or by phone call.   It could be commenting on a Facebook or Instagram post or it could be taking  someone out for coffee. Whatever the case may be, make sure you are becoming a face to a name and a person that people will remember.
  2. Being a part of creative networks.  If you are just starting your business, this is a great place to start. Last year I focused on going to as many wedding events as I possibly could to meet other creatives in the industry. This could be a Tuesday Together group, or a gathering that the knot or any other local wedding network you are aware of. In our market in Minneapolis, there are a few bridal magazines and photofinishing companies that put on events throughout the year.  I would highly advise going to these if you are able. They are great place to connect with like-minded people.
  3.  Support other vendors.  Thankfully I live in a market where there are so many different types of creative’s. Along with that, there are also many many events that are put on throughout the year. If one of my friends in the industry is putting on an event, like my friend Kelly did,  I usually try to attend in order to support and encourage them in their own creative endeavors as well as to connect with others.

These are just some ways to start the process of connecting with other vendors. When you connect with other vendors this gives you  credibility as well as friendships. And we all know that  we’d rather work with her friends and with people we don’t know!

Come back tomorrow when I’ll be sharing 12 practical tips in making a styled shoot a reality


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